While John was away in Merlin’s Cabin, Chris was at Laura’s annual toga party. Now we’re all back in the Staten Island Wing of SLAP Studios, along with a new “cat” and bunch of flies. Is John having an allergic reaction to said “cat,” or is it that scented candle on the table? Was Tom Carvel murdered back in 1990? Is Goofy and Pluto porn an actual thing? You think these Seagram’s Escapes are any good? Did Elvis Pretzel kill his wife? Is the Big Bell really back from the depths of Hell? Are the boys still getting vasectomies together? And why are there hot dogs everywhere? Listen to find out!
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Listen to Chris' recent guest spot on Galaxy of Film Episode 88: The Blues Bros & Wayne’s World.
See John and Chris LIVE at the 5th Borough Comedy Festival on October 8th at 7:00 PM. Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/applejacks-comedy-5th-borough-comedy-festival-tickets-394464342467.
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