Super Live Adventure Podcast Media Kit

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

S4 E7: The Old Shat

What's the best way to get rid of a bad dog? Do monkeys go to Heaven? What do you think John's kid is gonna call Cookie Puss this year? How many people were wiped from existence because of Doc and Marty's antics in Back to the Future? What did William Shatner think of Kirstie Alley? And where do the Ninja Turtles go to the bathroom? 

PLUS gifts from Hatfield and the Queen, spoiler-free Li'l Eddie movie reviews, and listener voicemails. We want to hear from YOU! Give us a call at 781-POD-SLAP.

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And remember to fit it where you s#!t it.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

S4 E6: Oops! All Berries

We're bundled up in the raccoon house wondering which Groundhog we should trust. And why don't celebrities get mice anymore? Do you think you can get fleas from Cookie Monster? CHUCK BERRY DID WHAT??? (WARNING: this episode gets pretty filthy).

Plus voicemails from Li'l Eddie, Mr. P, Matt Wilson, Patches of Patches & Duddy, Only One Soda, Barney the Flea, and some weirdo pervert. 

We want to hear from you! Give us a call at 781-POD-SLAP.

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Please hit that share button and tell a friend to check out our latest episode 🛎

And remember to fit it where you s#!t it.

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