143 means "I Love You," and on this episode the guys love talking about Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (NO SPOILERS) and its soundtrack, the chauffeur in Crocodile Dundee and the one in Die Hard, JibberJazz's Some Kind Of Jam 12, El Kabong, Stinkor from Masters Of The Universe, taking a break from alcohol and caffeine, pooping one's pants, what life might be like for a member of the Five-Percent Nation, Miller High Life (the "champagne of beers"), and Debbie Talks Dirty, plus John tells us about his recent colonoscopy, an on-set Impractical Jokers experience from earlier that day, and making Baby Ben laugh! Also, the guys receive a really super thoughtful gift from Super Fan Dennis Rodrigo!!!
The Super Live Adventure Podcast is hosted by John Szeluga (Impractical Jokers) and Chris Sorrentino (Wahoo Skiffle Crazies). New episodes are released every Monday on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRadio, and SuperLiveAdventure.com.
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The Super Live Adventure theme was created by Ezra Donellan.