Super Live Adventure Podcast Media Kit

Monday, September 26, 2016

Ep. 111: Macho Boy

The guys record a live show at Staten Island Arts' Culture Lounge as part of the Super Secret Show! Listen as they discuss the Staten Island dump, the proper way to catch a seagull, amateur bee keeping, Disney World, people that deserve to die, Nick Nolte and/or Gary Busey, Ang Lee's Hulk movie, nudity in film, Harry and the Hendersons, feminism, '80s wrestling, Slim Jims, Staten Island ferry bathrooms, stock market cold calling, the 2016 election, and more!

The Super Live Adventure Podcast is hosted by John Szeluga (Impractical Jokers) and Chris Sorrentino (Wahoo Skiffle Crazies). Previous episodes can be found on iTunesStitcher and

The Super Live Adventure theme was created by Ezra Donellan.

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